by TMI Testing Staff | Aug 10, 2023
We recommend avoiding both the fruits and the juice be taken out of your diet for 4-5 weeks.
by TMI Testing Staff | Aug 10, 2023
As ground wheat is derived from the whole grain we would ideally advise that you avoid all wheat for the duration of the elimination period for maximum results.
by TMI Testing Staff | Aug 10, 2023
We recommend avoiding both the fruits and the juice be taken out of your diet for 4-5 weeks.
by TMI Testing Staff | Aug 10, 2023
A sensitivity to A-Lactalbumin will be to all dairy – this is not the same as lactose (lactose is the sugar portion of animal milks, and a-lactalbumin is a protein).nWe would recommend eliminating all dairy from the diet for 4-6 weeks. This will include all milks,...
by TMI Testing Staff | Aug 10, 2023
A sensitivity to soy sauce refers to soy sauce only – this will not extend to all soy products.